About me

Hi there! I am Jerin, a PhD student of the National Doctorate in Artificial Intelligence at Sapienza University of Rome.

I am part of the Processes, Services and Software Engineering research group and I am mostly interested in data management-related topics, ranging from Entity Resolution (ER) to Knowledge Graphs (KGs), as well as the application of recent NLP techniques (such as LLMs) in those scenarios. I am also collaborating with my fellow colleagues on other topics, such as Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing.

I am advised by prof Donatella Firmani and co-advised by prof Massimo Mecella.


Address Sapienza - University of Rome Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering “Antonio Ruberti” Via Ariosto 25, 00185 Roma Room B221

Email mathew@diag.uniroma1.it (mathew at diag dot uniroma1 dot it)